Want To Keep Your Bladder Healthy And Happy? Include These Foods In Your Diet Without Any Delay
Pears are among the recommended fruits for promoting bladder health due to their high fiber content and malic acid which may help prevent urinary tract stones. They provide vitamin C which is linked to a calmer bladder and reduced urgency in needing to use the restroom. (Image Source: getty)
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View In AppBerries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries are rich in flavonols and vitamin C which fight bacteria. They also have a high water content that can help to flush out the bladder. (Image Source: getty)
Incorporating whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and barley into your diet can contribute to maintaining a healthy bladder. (Image Source: getty)
Oats are a valuable source of fiber, which is crucial for maintaining bladder health by preventing constipation and reducing pressure on the bladder. They can also help alleviate bladder pain associated with conditions such as cystitis. (Image Source: getty)
Nuts are another beneficial food for the bladder due to their high protein, fiber, and essential nutrient content. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are particularly good choices for bladder health. (Image Source: getty)
Garlic extract has demonstrated its ability to combat drug-resistant urinary tract infections. It is recommended to incorporate garlic into meals, whether in the form of fresh cloves or dried, minced garlic. (Image Source: getty)
Green beans help to keep the body properly hydrated, promoting healthy urinary function and lowering the likelihood of urinary tract infections (UTIs). (Image Source: getty)
Inputs From: Dr Jitendra Sakharani, Urologist, Apollo Spectra Mumbai (Image Source: getty)