In a shocking incident, a 30-year-old Gurugram man found himself stripped of his car, laptop, mobile phone, and Rs 18,000 cash after becoming "too drunk" on Friday night. Amit Prakash, an employee at a company on Golf Course Road, had planned to unwind in his car after work when he was joined for a drink by a stranger. Prakash exited his own vehicle at Delhi's Subhash Chowk after being asked to step down by the stranger, who then drove away with his car, leaving him stranded, in an unusual sequence of events prompted by the unknown.

Prakash was forced to rely on public transport to get home. The next day, Prakash regained his recollection of the entire ordeal, prompting him to visit the Sector 65 police station to file a complaint, according to The Times of India.

The accused has been charged with theft under Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). According to Prakash's complaint, after finishing his work hours, he went to a BYOB kiosk at the Lakeforest Wine Shop on Golf Course Road. According to the report, he said in his complaint, "In an intoxicated state, I paid Rs. 20,000 for one wine bottle with an MRP of Rs. 2,000." The shopkeeper, on the other hand, returned Rs. 18,000 in cash."

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Recounting the sequence of events, Prakash said: "After that, I went to my car and started drinking again. Suddenly, a stranger came and asked me if he too could join me for a few drinks. I obliged and offered him drinks." He further mentioned that he drove alongside the stranger until they reached Subhash Chowk. Astonishingly, upon arriving at the location, Prakash admitted that he ‘forgot that he was in his own car’.

He added to his story by saying that he complied with the stranger's request and got out of the car. He then chose to take an auto-rickshaw to the Huda City Centre metro station to return home. Prakash, on the other hand, couldn't recall any specifics about the stranger.