The suspense continues to grow over the outcome of the recently-concluded US presidential election. A neck to neck battle is going on in the United States with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden claiming victory. Joe Biden has neared the majority mark with 264 electoral votes, while Trump remains at 214 electoral votes . ALSO READ | US Elections 2020: As Vote Count Stretches On, When Might We Get A Clear Winner?

Though Joe Biden is on the verge of taking the presidency, states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada will play a decisive role. As per the media projections, six of these states are dominated by Trump, while Biden plays strong only in two. These key states can have drastic impact on the race which is being led by Biden so far, as claimed by several reports in media.

While on one hand Democratic nominee Joe Biden is nearing the 270 mark, Republican Donald Trump seems to have lost his trust in the nation as he made some unsupported accusations from the White House about the integrity of the results.

Trump Accuses Biden Of 'Stealing The Election'

Trump pushed unsupported allegations of electoral misconduct in a series of tweets and insisted the ongoing vote count of ballots submitted before and on Election Day must cease. And in his first public appearance since late on Election Night, he amplified the conspiracy theories amid the trappings of presidential power.

"This is a case when they are trying to steal an election, they are trying to rig an election," said Trump of Democrats, whom he accused of corruption while providing no evidence.

While Trump announced to take legal actions to make the counting stop accusing of cheating, there were no obvious grounds for the Justice Department to attempt to intervene to stop a vote count at the state level, unless the federal government could somehow assert a violation of federal voting laws or the Constitution.

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'There Will Be No Blue State Or Red': Biden

Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for the US Presidential Elections 2020 is fighting hard to achieve his decades-long dream of winning the White House, for the third time.

The former Vice President has earlier run for office in 1988 and 2008. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 at the age of 29, becoming the fifth-youngest senator in history.

Two days after the voting, Biden staked his claim to the US presidency and said that he will govern as the US President.

After a long night of counting, it's clear that we're winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win presidency. I'm not here to declare that we won but I'm here to report when counting is finished, we believe we'll be winners, Biden said.

ALSO READ | Joe Biden: Know All About The Man Who Is Giving Trump A Knife-Edge Fight

How Long Will It Take?

The US presidential election has become one of the most watched electoral events across the globe. Even as Joe Biden seems almost there, a full and final victory hasn’t been declared.

Cumulative tallies including mailed-in votes from these states and those who announced results on Tuesday, will give the final count. The counting of all the postal ballots which have been cast due to a pandemic can be a tedious task and may take days.

There can be two scenarios, either the candidates will concede to the counting figures, or else there can be a courtroom battle. It may takes weeks if the legal battle turns complex.