New Delhi: The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Thursday that travel bans against certain countries because of the new covid-19 variant are not an effective way and are “unfair.”

While speaking at a press conference, Guterres said, “With a virus that is truly borderless, travel restrictions that isolate any one country or region are not only deeply unfair and punitive -- they are ineffective,” reported AFP.

Last week, South Africa had reported the cases for the new variant and the World Health Organization had named it Omicron. It was categorised as the “variant of concern” by the WHO. Soon after South Africa, cases were reported from other countries including Botswana, Italy, Germany, the UK, Israel, etc. 

Consequently, many countries upheld travel bans for travelers from African countries which had positive cases. As a response to the travel restrictions, South African officials had said that the country is being punished for their “ability to detect new variants quicker.”

“Excellent science should be applauded and not punished,” a statement from South Africa’s foreign ministry had said. 

Now, Guterres reiterated that countries that reported the Omicron cases should not “be collectively punished for identifying and sharing crucial science and health information with the world.”

Guterres said that the governments need to work “together with other appropriate and truly effective measures” to cope with the new threat.

“This is the only way to reduce the risk of transmission while allowing for travel and economic engagement,” he added.

In the past week, many countries have detected Omicron cases among travelers, the latest being the USA. India has also isolated three travelers from “at-risk” countries who have tested positive for covid-19. It is not yet confirmed if they are infected with the Omicron variant.