New Delhi: A panic stricken teen jumps in to protect her dogs & shoved a female bear when it grabbed one of her dogs. The incident was captured in her home security camera which was later shared on social media. 

Although it is advised never to approach a bear, especially one with cubs. 

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According to an NBC report, Hailey Morinico who lives in the San Gabriel Valley, east of Los Angeles assumed her dog were barking at squirrels or other dogs and didn't make much of it. When the dogs wouldn't stop barking she turn see and realized that he dogs were barking at bears that had entered her backyard. It was a female bear with her two cubs, threatened by dogs barking, the mother bear in a move to protect her cubs grabbed one of the dogs. 

"I was like 'Oh my God, there's a bear, and it is taking my dog. It is lifting her up off the ground,'" Hailey told NBC Los Angeles.

That's when Hailey rushed to her dogs rescue and pushed the bear off the fence, the dog fell on the ground and quickly rushed in for shelter then Hailey quickly gathered her other dogs and drove them indoors as well. 

The bear in question was an adult American black bear which probably weighed around 68 kg along with two cubs. Rebecca Barboza, a wildlife biologist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife told NBC, "The bear was protecting her cubs, she was reacting to protect her cubs and the dogs of course were reacting to protect their territory".

The wildlife agency told NBC said that if bear breaks into a home people should no confront it or approach it, if it is in the backyard people should remain indoors. Places that see a wild animals coming in should keep their pets indoors.