New Delhi: Scientists from Russia who led the research for the Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V are testing a nasal spray vaccine that is suitable for children aged 8-12. Plans are to launch the new product by September. 

The vaccine was tested on the 8-12 age group and found new side effects among the test group including no rise in body temperature. 

ALSO READ: Delhi's Indraprastha Apollo Hospital To Provide Sputnik V Vaccine Doses From June 15

Alexander Gintsburg, who heads the Gamaleya Institute that developed Sputnik V, said the spray for children used the same vaccine "only instead of a needle, a nozzle is put on", Reuters quoted a TASS news agency report.

According to the report, this children's shot is expected to be ready for distribution by September 15th, Gintsburg was quoted as saying during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. 

Without revealing too many details about the tests, Gintsburg said according to TASS, "We are inoculating our little (patients) nasally, we are just administering the same vaccine as a nasal spray".

The Russian Covid vaccine Sputnik V will be available in Delhi from June 15. The place where the two-dose vaccine will be available is the Indraprastha Apollo hospital, located in posh south Delhi. Sputnik tweeted on the launch on Friday afternoon, posting a media report.

Earlier this month, the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) granted permission to Serum Institute of India (SII) to manufacture the Russian Covid-19 vaccine - Sputnik V in India. The drug controller has allowed SII to manufacture Sputnik-V jabs for examination, test, and analysis.