New York: Almost after 2 weeks of the United State Presidential Elections, President Donald Trump on Sunday acknowledged publicly about conceding the polls to Joe Biden, but maintained a strong view that Democrat's victory was a fraud. In a passive-aggressive concession tweet, Trump said: "He won because the Election was Rigged." ALSO READ | New York’s Iconic Empire State Building Lit Up In Orange To Mark Diwali; See Pics

As of now, Trump had refused to accept the media declaration that Biden was the winner of the 2020 US Polls, based on their projections of the November 3 election's outcome, even though the counting was still continuing and there have been no official announcements of results.

However, the micro-blogging site has once again flagged Trump's tweet for his 'rigged election' claim, stating that "the claim about election fraud is disputed."

Last week, the US media gave 306 electoral college votes to Biden and 232 to Trump. To win US Presidential Elections, 270 electoral college votes are needed.

The media declaration of the election results has been acknowledged by many US politicians, including a few Repiublicans, and international leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has congratulated Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris for there spectacular win in the recently conducted polls.

On Friday, Biden declared: "I am the President-elect," while giving a warning about the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The immediate future of the transition is still uncertain because Trump's administration has so far refused to give Biden's transition team facilities or share information.

Trump has not yet given an indication if he would cooperate with Biden's transition or if he will be dropping the cases filed by his campaign around the country. Thousands of his supporters marched in Washington on Saturday in a rally they called, "Stop the Steal" - a reference to the allegations of fraud.

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Later in the evening, anti-Trump demonstrators clashed with Trump supporters and about 20 people were arrested, but there was no widespread violence or looting.

"NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation & bum equipment that couldn't even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!), the Fake & Silent Media, & more!" Donald Trump tweeted reiterating to his allegations of voter fraud.

At a White House briefing on Friday on the progress of his Covid-19 vaccination programme, Operation Warp Speed, Trump gave an indication that he was reconciled to a defeat. While discussing the possibility of a coronavirus-induced lockdown he said: "Whatever happens in the future, who knows, which administration will be, I guess time will tell."

Legally a president-elect has to be given official facilities for transitioning into the office and access to briefings. The Trump administration official in charge of giving the Biden team access to information and facilities has said that they were waiting for an official announcement of the result.