President of the United States Donald Trump after the presidential elections, for the first time publicly appeared to concede the elections, saying that president-elect Joe Biden “won”. Making baseless comments alongside, the President in a tweet said, that vote was rigged against him.

Trump, pledged to go forward with a legal strategy that he hopes will overturn state results that made president-elect Joe Biden the winner, has spent months trying to undermine the election results with unproven allegations of fraud.

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After the poll results, Trump’s administration prevented Biden and his team from gaining access to government office space and to funding normally afforded to an incoming administration to ensure a smooth transition, as the current authority took the decision of not recognizing Biden as the winner. The General Services Administration federal agency in charge of providing those resources has yet to recognize Biden’s victory.

Biden who is set to be sworn in as the President on January 20, has started getting calls from the world leaders, regarding mapping out policies and agreements that will be perused after he takes over the Oval Office in the coming months.

Here's the tweet by Donald Trump...

In a speech in Delaware, Biden said his team was going full steam ahead with forming a new administration to take over on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2021, come what may.

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“We’re going to be going, moving along, in a consistent manner, putting together our administration, the White House, and reviewing who we’re going to pick for the Cabinet positions, and nothing’s going to stop that,” he said on Tuesday. The President-elect said it was an “embarrassment” that Trump has not conceded the election.

In the presidential elections, President Trump lost to the Democratic nominee Joe Biden in both, the popular vote and the electoral vote. While Joe Biden secured 290 electoral votes and 7,81,14,089 popular votes securing 50.9 per cent of votes, Donald Trump on the other hand trailed the democratic nominee by securing just 232 electoral votes and 7,27,41,954 popular vote securing only 47.4 per cent of votes.