NEW DELHI: The United States President Donald Trump's tweet on stopping US aid to Pakistan in future has triggered a panic in the country with Finance Minister Khawaja Asif calling on Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to discuss country's foreign policy.

Soon after Trump's tweet, Khawaja Asif called on Shahid Abbasi, a media report said.

"The meeting held a detailed review of the Trump's statement," the Geo TV reported, citing its sources.

It said the two leaders also discussed on the country's foreign policy.

"We will respond to President Trump's tweet shortly inshallah...Will let the world know the truth..difference between facts & fiction..," Asif tweeted.

Trump has on Monday blasted Pakistan saying the country has taken the US aid of billions of dollars but in return gave only deceit and lies.

Trump has also vowed to cut aid to Pakistan for failing to act against terrorist organisations operating on its soil.

"The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools," Trump said in a series of Tweets posted on the first day of 2018.

The 71-year-old Republican leader said that Pakistan gives safe haven to the terrorists the United States hunt in Afghanistan.

This is the strongest warning that has come from the US president.

Both US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have last month warned Islamabad of having terror safe havens in its soil.

"For too long Pakistan has provided safe haven to the Taliban and many terrorist organisations, but those days are over," Pence had told American troops at the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan two weeks ago.

Pence had said that Trump has put Pakistan on notice.

In his new South Asia Policy unveiled in August, Trump had called for tougher measure against Pakistan if it did not cooperates the US in its fight against terrorism.

(With PTI inputs)