New Delhi: Urging the United Nations to block the Taliban from gaining a seat at the world body, a group of Afghan women have called for better representation for their country.

The Afghan women put forth their views during a visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York earlier on Thursday.

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Asserting “it’s very simple”, former Afghan politician and peace negotiator Fawzia Koofi said: “The UN needs to give that seat to somebody who respects the rights of everyone in Afghanistan.”

“We are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to,” Koofi told reporters outside the UN Security Council in New York, Reuters reported.

“Aid, money, recognition - they are all leverage that the world should use for inclusion, for respect to the rights of women, for respect to the rights of everybody,” she added.

Former politician Naheed Fareed, who was among those visiting the organisation’s headquarters, expressed her disappointment over the Taliban not keeping the promise.

“When the Taliban took Afghanistan ... they said that they will give permission to women to resume their jobs, to go back to the school, but they didn't keep that promise,” she said, Reuters reported.

Former diplomat Asila Wardak and journalist Anisa Shaheed also accompanied Koofi and Fareed to the United Nations headquarters.

Wardak urged the nations to pressure the Taliban “to put their words in action” when it comes to women's rights.

“If you're going to give them a seat, there should be conditions,” the former diplomat said.

This come as the United Nations is considering rival claims on who should represent the war-torn nation post the Taliban taking over.

The Taliban has nominated Doha-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen as the UN ambassador.

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Ghulam Isaczai, the UN envoy representing the government ousted by the Taliban, on the other hand is seeking to remain in the country's seat.

Stating the “women and girls in Afghanistan are pinning their hopes and dreams on this very council and world body to help them recover their rights to work, travel and go to school”, Isaczai told the 15-member council: “It would be morally reprehensible if we do nothing and let them down.”