New Delhi: Pakistan will continue to be on the ‘Grey List’ of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as it needs to “further demonstrate” that action is being taken against UN-designated terrorists like India’s most wanted Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar, and groups led by them, the global body against terror financing said on Thursday.

Addressing a press conference, FATF president Marcus Pleyer informed that the decision has been taken at the conclusion of the virtual plenary of the organisation.

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According to Marcus Pleyer, the Paris-based FATF requires Pakistan to demonstrate terror financing investigation and prosecution of leaders and commanders of UN-designated terrorist groups and their associates.

Pakistan continues to remain on “increased monitoring list”, he said at a virtual press conference from Paris, news agency PTI reported.

“Increased monitoring list” is another name for the ‘Grey List’.

“The Pakistan government has two concurrent action plans, with a total of 34 action plan items. It has now addressed or largely addressed 30 of the items,” FATF President informed during the presser, as quoted by news agency ANI.

He stated that “Pakistan has taken a number of important steps but needs to further demonstrate that investigations and prosecutions are being pursued against the senior leadership of UN-designated terror groups”.

“All these changes are about helping authorities prevent terrorism, stop corruption and prevent organised criminals from profiting from their crimes," he added, as quoted by PTI.

Meanwhile, it was also informed that the three new additions on the global terror financing watchdog’s “Increased monitoring list” are Jordan, Mali, and Turkey. The three countries have agreed on an action plan with the FATF.

On the other hand, FATF congratulated Mauritius and Botswana for being removed from the grey list.

FATF On Afghanistan Situation

The global body expressed its concern about the current evolving money laundering and terrorist financing risk environment in Afghanistan. “We affirm recent UNSC resolutions on the situation in Afghanistan. We demand that country not be used to plan or finance terrorist acts,” ANI quoted president Marcus Pleyer as saying.

FATF further stated that together with The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), The Eurasian group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) and Global Network, it will closely monitor the situation in Afghanistan, including any changes to money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the country.

Pakistan has been on the FATF’s grey list for deficiencies in its counter-terror financing and anti-money laundering regimes since June 2018. 

Earlier in July, External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar had credited the Narendra Modi-led Union government for ensuring that Pakistan is included in the FATF grey list. 

S Jaishankar while virtually addressing BJP leaders’ training program on the foreign policy of the Modi government, told the members that it is due to the government’s efforts on global forums that sanctions were imposed on terrorists from Jaish and LeT. 

“Due to us, Pakistan is under the lens of FATF and it was kept in the grey list. We have been successful in pressurizing Pakistan and the fact that Pakistan's behaviour has changed is because of pressure put by India by various measures,” Jaishankar told the BJP leaders, as reported by ANI.

(With Inputs From Agencies)