New Delhi: Covid-19 cases are rapidly increasing worldwide and the situation remains serious. More than 10 million (one crore) people have been infected by the disease across 213 countries of the world. ALSO READ | Will The Wait For A Covid-19 Vaccine Be Over Soon? Scientists Seem To Think So
According to the statistics shared on Worldometer, 10,081,522 people have been infected by Coronavirus all over the world, while the number of fatalities is 501,298 and about 5,458,367 people have recovered. Most Number Of Cases The US still tops the list of countries most affected by Covid-19. So far, over 2 million people have been infected in the country, while more than 1 hundred thousand have died. States with over 100,000 cases include New York, California, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, Florida and Massachusetts. Brazil is in the second spot with over 1 million cases and 27 thousand deaths. Brazil is followed by Russia, India and UK in terms of total coronavirus cases.
Country Total Cases Fatalities
US 2,596,403 128,152
Brazil 1,315,941 57,103
Russia 627,646 8,969
India 529,577 16,103
UK 310,250 43,514
Spain 295,549 28,341
Peru 275,989 9,135
Chile 267,766 5,347
Italy 240,136 34,716
ALSO READ | Covid-19 Recovery Rate In India Improved To 58%, Doubling Rate Down To Almost 19 Days: Govt The number of coronavirus cases in Brazil, Russia, Spain, UK, Italy, India, Peru, Chile, Italy, Iran and Mexico has crossed the two lakh mark. At the same time, more than 1 lakh 90 thousand cases have been reported in Pakistan, Turkey and Germany. India is at number four in the highest number of cases in the world, while the country ranks at number eight in the list of most Covid-19 deaths. Meanwhile, the Chinese health authority has revealed that it received reports of 17 newly confirmed Covid-19 cases on the Chinese mainland on Saturday, including 14 domestically transmitted and three imported ones. (With Agency Inputs)