The teenage boy identified as Will Conley, is being hailed by the internet as the “eggboy.”
The boy instantly shot to fame when Australian Senator Fraser Anning was addressing a press conference in Melbourne on Saturday and he smashed an egg onto his head. Soon, hashtags #Eggboy and #EggBoyHero had started trending on Twitter.
In the video of the incident that has been going viral on social media, the boy can be seen standing behind the senator and then calmly smacking an egg at the back of his head, while filming the sequence in his phone.
However, he could not escape the consequences of his “bold” act. The angry senator brutally thrashed the boy before handing him over to police.
As per reports, police are probing the matter in entirety for both the boy’s and Anning’s role in the incident.
While many netizens hailed the boy as their hero for braving up to the senator’s remarks, many expressed anger over the aggression shown to the teen by the senator’s men.
The senator had blamed immigrant Muslims in New Zealand as the reason behind the terror attack.
Here is the video tweeted by Melbourne's Nine News media:
After the incident, #Eggboy was widely cheered for on the internet. Check tweets here: