As several BJP stalwarts including Extenal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, prefixed their Twitter names with Chowkidar, Swaraj Kaushal, husband of the EAM Swaraj Kaushal took a witty jibe at her.

Swaraj Kaushal wrote in his tweet “I woke up this morning to find that my wife has become a Chowkidar!”

The BJP on Sunday stepped up its 'Main bhi chowkidar' campaign with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other party leaders, including its president Amit Shah, prefixing the word 'chowkidar' to their names in their Twitter profile as they sought people's support in the Lok Sabha elections. Sushma Swaraj was not among the first-movers. She changed her name after opposition’s dig at her.

On Sunday night, Rahul Gandhi had written in a tweet: “You can keep trying Mr Modi, but the truth cannot be extinguished. Every Indian is saying it. #ChowkidarChorHai.”

In the post-script he wrote: “Do force Sushma ji to add “Chowkidar” to her handle. It’s looking very bad.”

Swaraj kaushal’s tweet came at 8:36 am on Monday.