New Delhi: On the second day of his visit to Europe, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday interacted with Indian community in Copenhagen and urged Indians in Denmark to inspire at least five ‘non-Indian’ friends to visit India.

"You should inspire at least five of your friends to visit India...and people will say 'Chalo India'. This is the work you all 'Rashtradoot' have to do," said PM Modi.

"Inclusiveness and cultural diversity is the power of the Indian community, which makes us all feel alive every moment. Thousands of years of time have developed these values within us," Modi said during his address.

In the midst of chants of 'Modi, Modi' and 'Modi hai to mumkin hai', in the auditorium with his Danish counterpart sitting in the first line, the state head likewise said that an Indian, any place he goes on the planet, contributes sincerely for 'karmabhoomi' (place that is known for work), for that country.

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"Prime Minister Frederickson being here today is a testament to the love and respect he has for Indians," he said.

"Many times when I meet world leaders, they proudly tell me about the achievements of the Indian community settled in their countries," the prime minister added, while noting that the number of Indians settled abroad was higher than entire population of some countries.

Modi said the Green strategic partnership between the two nations is directed by Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederickson's own priorities and values.

"The discussions I had with them today will give new strength, new energy to the relations between the two countries," he added. Modi noted that due to Corona, everyone's life was going on in a virtual mode for a long time. "As soon as the movement became possible last year, Prime Minister Frederickson was the first Head of Government whom we had the opportunity to welcome to India," he recalled.

"This shows the growing relations between India and Denmark," he said.

"Whatever be the language, but we all have Indian culture. Our food plate changes, our taste changes. But the Indian way of repeatedly pleading with affection does not change," Modi said.

"We stand together for the defense of the nation and join hands in the nation-building," he added.