Kerala government said that it is ready to adopt the boy who was slapped by his classmates on the instruction of a teacher in Uttar Pradesh. The issue of the attack on the minority boy came to light after a video the incident went viral on social media. Kerala Education Minister V Sivankutty said that if the child's parents agree the state government will give him with the best education possible.

Sivankutty, as per PTI, said, "If his parents are willing, then the education department in Kerala is ready to adopt the child and provide him with the best education."

Further, the Minister said that Kerala's Left-led government and residents work hard to defend secular ideals and mentioned how a child from violence hit Manipur state is presently receiving an education in a Kerala school.

The Left leader asserted that the southern state thinks and behaves in a progressive manner and noted that the state is teaching the topics that were removed from NCERT textbooks by distributing additional textbooks to the schools.

In a letter to UP CM, Sivankutty on Monday sought stern action against the culprits. He said that the incident might set as a dangerous precedent for impressionable young minds.

At Neha Public School in the Uttar Pradesh village of Khubbapur, teacher Tripta Tyagi instructed her pupils to slap a Muslim kid for not doing homework.

Based on the complaint of the boy's family, Tyagi was booked under Indian Penal Code Sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) — both non-cognisable offences.

Outrage over the video came from all sides, including political parties. 

Meanwhile, the education department has also sent a notice to the school requesting information on a number of issues related to the institution's standards.

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