New Delhi: In the virtual rally series by the Bhartiya Janata Party, Home Minister Amit Shah addressed a rally in Bengal via video conference and launched an attack on Chief Minister that BJP will rebuild 'Sonar Bangla' which has been corrupted by Didi. Also Read| Send Migrant Workers Home In 15 Days, Drop Lockdown Violation Cases Against Them: SC To Centre, States

While addressing the Banglar Janasamabesh rally, Amit Shah said, “For me, the most important win was not the 303 but the 18 seats we won in Bengal in the Lok Sabha elections.” Shah said that CM Mamata has been doing politics even when Bengal was suffering from Cyclone Amphan and Coronavirus, so it is time for Bengal's resurgence, to bring back the lost glory of Bengal-Sonar Bangla.

“This is the only state where violence in politics is the only way to survive,” said Amit Shah and added, "since 2014, over 100 BJP workers lost their lives in political battle here in West Bengal. I pay my respect to their families as they've contributed to the development of Sonar Bangla."

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He added, “We seek your support for Modi Ji and we are happy that you have done the same in Lok Sabha too. I want to make you believe that we have come here not for a political fight but we are here to strengthen the party and the culture of Bengal. We want to improve and revive the culture of Bengal.”

Shah also mentioned the bomb blasts in Bengal and said that he would like to challenge Mamata to give an account of the work her government has done in the past 10 years as the people of Bengal are still suffering from bomb blasts and political murders.

The minister also launched a sharp attack on chief minister Mamata Banerjee saying that she is not allowing the implementation of Ayushman Bharat Yojana, which has benefitted so many people across the country.

“I and the people of Bengal want to ask you this, why are you not letting it get implemented?” Shah stated.

“Mamata ji, do poor people of Bengal have no right to receive free and quality medical aid? Why is Ayushman Bharat scheme is not allowed here? Mamata Ji, political games should not be played with the rights of poor people,” Shah further added.

On Mamata Banerjee’s opposition to the Citizenship Act, Amit Shah said that the CM should come clean why she is opposing the law. “It will cost you dearly. What is your problem if Namshudras and other such communities live respectfully in the country? People of Bengal are asking you this question as well. You will have to answer,” the former BJP president said.

Shah also criticized Mamata Banerjee for calling Shramik special trains as Corona Express and said that her statement will be remembered by the migrant labourers who were suffering in other states and longed to go back home to meet their families. He said that disrespecting the migrants will build an exit express for the Mamata led TMC government.

This was Shah’s third virtual event in the series of online rallies that began on Sunday. The minister first addressed the Bihar virtual rally on Sunday followed by the Odisha virtual rally on Monday.

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