Independence Day 2020: While addressing the nation on 74th Independence Day Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a warning to the neighbouring countries stating that India gave a befitting reply to those who tried to raise an eye towards our sovereignty.

With talks on easing a military build-up in their Himalayan border region at a stalemate, Modi told the Independence Day ceremony that India's sovereignty was "supreme" and that relations with neighbours depended on security and trust.

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"The entire world saw what India is capable of in Ladakh. Every inch of land from the Line of Control to the Line of Actual Control will be protected PM said, without making a reference to any country. Our Army has paid back everyone in their own coin, the PM also added.

"What our brave soldiers can do, the entire world has seen at Ladakh. Be it an aggressor or a terrorist, India has fought and will continue fighting them," PM Modi further added.

"Today neighbour is not just the one with whom we share a border but also those with whom our heart stays connected, where there is harmony in relations. I'm happy that in the past some time India has further strengthened its relations with all countries in 'extended neighbourhood'.

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"The PM also spoke about India's victory of a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). He said that out of the 192 countries, 184 backed India. This is because India is strong and secure and the world has seen what India can do. The world trusts India," PM Modi.

Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in the clash at Galwan Valley in Ladakh, which saw the two sides fighting with batons, stones, and bare fists. China has also acknowledged that it suffered casualties but without giving numbers. Though the tensions still persist, India and China have continued with the military talks to improve the situation at the border.