Independence Day 2020: Addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort in a rather muted celebration of Independence Day due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic , Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of national digital health mission from today. Also Read:|Independence Day 2020 LIVE Updates: India Gave Befitting Reply To Those Who Tried To Raise An Eye Towards Our Sovereignty, Says PM Modi

Under this scheme aimed to revolutionise the set up of healthcare system in India, every Indian will get health IDs.

Also Read: PM Modi Unfurls The National Flag For The 7th Time On Independence Day, Here Are Key Takeaways From His Speech

What is a national health ID Card?

Prime Minister Modi said that every Indian will get a health ID card under the national digital health mission aimed to digitize the admission and treatment protocol at hospitals.

PM said that everytime a person will visit a doctor or a pharmacy, everything will be logged in this health card in their profile. Details such as doctor’s appointment, to medication advised, everything will be available in the health profile of people.

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One Health ID will have the information of every test, every disease, which medicine was prescribed to you by which doctor and ever what the reports were, as per the PM.


The digital health cards will do away from the hassle of carrying around medical reports.

In case a patient needs to travel to different hospitals in other parts of the country, all the records of previous treatment will be saved in these cards.

Healthcare centers and pharmacies will also be able to enjoy certain benefits of 'One Nation, One Health Card' scheme.

PM Modi on Coronavirus: 

PM said that three vaccines are in different levels of trials in India and a mass production will begin as soon as scientists will give a green signal to it.

Earlier, the Prime Minister hailed people in the frontline of the battle against coronavirus, saying "corona warriors have lived the mantra of 'Seva Parmo Dharma' and served the people of the country.

Addressing the nation on the 74th Independence Day, the Prime Minister said it is an occasion to remember freedom fighters who laid down their lives for the freedom of the country.
