The monsoon mayhem continued in north India on Sunday, with a cloudburst in Jammu and Kashmir's Ganderbal district damaging a road, leading to the closing of the arterial Srinagar-Leh national highway. The Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumuri (SSG) road near Padawbal is also reportedly blocked after an overflow from a nearby canal led to an accumulation of mud on the road. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted light to moderate rainfall, accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning, over Jammu and Kashmir during the week.
"The traffic on Srinagar-Leh road has been suspended till further notice due to road damage at Kacherwan in Ganderbal district," news agency PTI reported quoting an official of the traffic control room. The road clearance operations are currently underway.
Meanwhile, IMD has also issued an orange alert for Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, forecasting heavy to very heavy rainfall on Sunday. A yellow alert has also been issued for Himachal Pradesh until August 7, as it continues to assess damage from flash floods caused by cloudbursts in three districts. The toll from the cloudbursts has risen to nine, with 45 people still missing.
IMD's State-wise Rainfall Forecast
Jharkhand: As per IMD, fight to moderate rainfall is very likely at most places, while heavy rainfall is expected at isolated places in the state on August 4.
Bihar: The Met department said light to moderate rainfall is likely in most places in Bihar, with heavy to very heavy showers at isolated places on August 6. Heavy rainfall is also likely at isolated places on August 4 and 5.
Madhya Pradesh: Light to moderate rainfall at most places is very likely with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places on August 5 and extremely heavy rainfall at isolated places on August 4, IMD said.
Uttar Pradesh: As per the weather agency, light to moderate rainfall is very likely at many places over southeast Uttar Pradesh, with heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places and extremely heavy rainfall at isolated places on August 4. It also predicted light to moderate rainfall at many places with isolated heavy in western UP on Sunday.
Rajasthan: For East Rajasthan, IMD predicted light to moderate showers at most places with heavy rainfall at isolated places from August 4 to 6. It also predicted extremely heavy rainfall in some places in the region on August 4. For west Rajasthan, IMD said light to moderate rainfall was expected at most places with heavy to very heavy showers at isolated places on August 5 and 6. Heavy rain is also predicted at isolated places on August 4.
Gujarat: As per the weather agency, light to moderate rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places is likely on August 4 and 5.
West Bengal: In West Bengal, light to moderate rainfall is predicted at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places during August 4 to 6.