New Delhi: In an attempt to defuse a controversy sparked by purported statements made by its spokesperson against Prophet Mohammed, the BJP stated on Sunday that it respects all religions and vehemently condemns insults to religious personalities, news agency PTI reported.

In the midst of a controversy over BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's statements, party general secretary Arun Singh stated in a statement that the party is vehemently opposed to any philosophy that degrades or demeans any sect or faith.

According to him, the BJP does not support such persons or ideologies.

The BJP statement, on the other hand, made no direct reference to any event or comment. Muslim organisations have expressed outrage at Sharma's remarks.

"During the thousands of years of history of India every religion has blossomed and flourished. The Bharatiya Janata Party respects all religions. The BJP strongly denounces insult of any religious personalities of any religion," Singh was quoted by PTI in its report.

According to him, the Indian Constitution grants every person the right to practise any religion of his or her choosing, as well as to honour and respect all religions.

"As India celebrates 75th year of its Independence, we are committed to making India a great country where all are equal and everyone lives with dignity, where all are committed to India's unity and integrity, where all enjoy the fruits of growth and development," the BJP leader said.

(With Inputs From PTI)