Days after the sixth round of military level talks between India and China during which both the countries decided to stop sending more troops to the Ladakh frontline, the centre on Sunday released a video showing army tanks and armoured personnel carriers in forward locations in Eastern Ladakh. ALSO READ | India Occupied Six Major Positions On Finger 4 Along LAC Amid Border Dispute With China: Reports

According to the reports, T-90 tanks and BMP vehicles have been deployed in Chumar - Demchock. News agency ANI reported that the Indian Army had deployed "T-90 and T-72 tanks along with BMP-2 Infantry Combat Vehicles that can operate at temperatures up to minus 40 degree Celsius, near Line of Actual Control in Chumar - Demchok area in Eastern Ladakh."

Briefing the development further, Maj Gen Arvind Kapoor, Chief of Staff,14 Corps told ANI that Fire&Fury Corps is the only formation of Indian Army and also in world to have actually deployed mechanised forces in such harsh terrain. Maintenance of tanks, infantry combat vehicles and heavy guns is a challenge in this terrain.

The chief also mentioned that since harsh winters are expected to hit soon, the Indian Army is absolutely in control as far as advanced winter stocking and forward winter stocking is concerned.

"High calorific and nutritious ration, fuel and oil, winter clothing and heating appliances all available in adequate numbers," Chief of Staff, 14 Corps added.

Meanwhile, Indian and Chinese Senior Commanders held sixth round of Military Commander-level meeting on September 21. The two sides had candid and in-depth exchanges of views on stabilizing situation along LAC in India-China border areas. Both sides decided to to stop sending more troops to the Ladakh frontline, and refrain from unilaterally changing situation on the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

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After the 14hour military level talks, India China issued a joint statement that they have agreed to implement consensus reached by the leaders of the two counties, strengthen communication on ground, avoid misunderstandings, stop sending more troops to frontline, refrain from unilaterally changing situation on ground and avoid any action that may complicate situation.

Amid the continues efforts to resolve the long-going border dispute, the Asian neighbors are expected to hold the 7th round of Military Commander-Level meeting soon to further speak over the practical measures to properly solve problems on the ground, and jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the border area.