New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Police stated on Sunday that a 30-year-old woman was reportedly raped by five males who also videotaped the crime and made the video public, news agency PTI reported.

The woman, in her complaint, alleged that on April 22, five guys hauled her outside her house into a shack and took turns rapping her.

Meanwhile, Pratap Singh, CO of Sadar informed, "On 30th April 2022, a woman filed complaint at Madnapur PS that 5 people gang-raped her. On the basis of her complaint, a case has been registered. She is being sent for medical examination. Action is being taken against the culprits."

According to Additional Superintendent of Police (City) Sanjay Kumar, an FIR of gang rape was filed on Saturday based on the woman's testimony, and an investigation is underway.

She further claimed that the accused recorded the act and made the video online a week later.

According to the ASP, the accused are on the run and attempts are being made to arrest them.

Dalit Woman Gangraped By Classmate & Friends In Thanjavur, 7 Arrested

Earlier in a similar incident, a 22-year-old Dalit woman was gang-raped at a cashew farm by three men in Thanjavur while she was returning home recently.

The issue came to light after the woman gave a police complaint on Thursday, following which the police arrested three rapists and two others who abetted the crime. 

The police also arrested two persons who tried to provide an illegal settlement for the survivor to cover up the case.

On April 11, when the woman from a Scheduled Caste community was waiting for a bus to return home from work, her schoolmate Kodiyarasan came to the spot on a motorcycle and extended her help to drop her home, said to a report on The Hindu.

(With Inputs From PTI)