New Delhi: The trade and commerce between India and China have taken a hit post the Galwan valley escalation last year with a recent survey suggesting that 43 percent of Indian consumers did not buy any Made in China product in the last 12 months.

The LocalCircles survey conducted in November 2020 around the festive season indicated that 71 percent of Indian consumers did not purchase Made in China products, and many of those who did ended up doing so because of their lower prices.

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The first question in the survey sought to understand how many products that were made in China did Indian consumers purchase in the last 12 months. In response, 43 percent said they did not buy anything made in china.

34 percent said 1-2 products, and 8 percent bought 3-5 of them. There were 4 percent of consumers who bought 5-10 made-in-China products, 3 percent said 10-15, 1 percent said over 20, and another 1 percent said 15-20 products. 6 percent of Indian consumers did not have an opinion. This question in the survey received 9,052 responses. 

Of those Indian consumers who purchased Made in China products in the last 12 months, 60 percent bought only 1-2 items, says the survey.

The survey adds that 14 percent of the Indian consumers said they bought 3-5 products, 7 percent bought 5-10, 2 percent bought 10-15 and another 2 percent more than 20 products.

70 percent of the Indian consumers, who purchase Made in China products in the last 12 months did so because they felt products offered value for money.

Most consumers opined the Indian counterpart for a Chinese product is generally more expensive though it might be of better quality.

Those surveyed cited value for money as the top reason for purchasing Made in China goods.

Of the Indian consumers who purchased Made in China products, 70 percent voted for “value for money”, 40 percent said “uniqueness” and 38 percent cited “better quality”.

The survey, which was conducted via LocalCircles received, 17,800 responses from the people residing in 281 districts of the country.