A 51-year-old passenger was arrested on Wednesday for smoking in the plane's toilet amid his journey from Muscat to Mumbai, said an official.

The incident took on board Vistara's UK234 flight, which departed at 11:56 p.m. on Monday from Muscat for the capital of Maharashtra, he also said, PTI quoted saying.

The official confirmed that passenger, Balakrishna Rajayan, who hails from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu went to the restroom on the aircraft's backside and lit a cigarette.

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"The incident came to light when the pilot of the aircraft noticed it with the help of a smoke detector," he added. "The pilot informed the crew members about it, following which they checked the lavatory and found a cigarette bud in the wash basin," the official further added.

Speaking about his rowdy behaviour, he said "After the flight landed at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai on Tuesday morning, the crew members informed the security supervisor on the ground about the unruly behaviour of the passenger."

After escorting the passenger to their office, the security personnel asked him about his behavior. He acknowledged that he had smoked in the restroom and mentioned that Rajayan had also produced the matchbox that had been used to light the cigarette.

Investigation Launches Against Passenger

Later, the passenger was taken to the city's Sahar police station where the security supervisor launched a complaint against him

"A case was registered against the passenger under section 336 (act of endangering life or personal safety of others) of Indian Penal Code and section 25 of the Aircraft Rules," he underscored. "A probe into the case is underway," he added. 

According to the complaint, Rajayan purposefully broke the flight attendants' safety regulations by smoking inside the aircraft, endangering every passenger.