New Delhi: A man on Saturday opened fire near the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protest site in Shaheen Bagh area in Jamia Nagar of New Delhi, following which he was taken into custody by police. According to reports, the man who identified himself as Kapil Gujjar, fired two rounds in air. No one was injured in the incident which occurred at around 5 pm. This is the second time this week that an armed man has entered the site where the protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act has been going on since over a month.

The accused opened fire close to the police barricades, nearly 250 metres behind the stage. He was overpowered by police personnel and taken into custody.

"The accused fired in air near police barricades. He was overpowered by police personnel and taken into custody. Further investigation is on," Chinmoy Biswal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (southeast) told news agency PTI.

"Only Hindus will get to call the shots in our country and nobody else (Hamare desh mein sirf Hinduon ki chalegi. Aur kisi ki nahi chalegi)," the man shouted while he was being taken into custody.

WATCH REPORT | Another Firing In Shaheen Bagh, Accused Taken Into Custody

Abu Ala Suhani, a publisher and resident of Shaheen Bagh said, "The man appeared be in his 20s and fired two rounds. While he was being taken into custody, we heard a policeman asking him his name. The man said his name was Kapil Gujjar and he belongs to Dallupura village in Uttar Pradesh."

He shouted "Hindu Rashtra Zindabad" and fired two rounds. Police said that they are verifying his identity. The incident comes days after a local contractor armed with a gun had come to the site and asked the people to end the protest.

The crowd wanted to rough up the youth but the police prevented the situation from getting out of hand. The people also raised slogans against the police.

On Thursday, a youth had fired on anti-CAA protesters at Jamia Millia Islamia injuring a student.  The youth opened fire with a country-made .315 bore pistol when the Jamia students were to start their march from Jamia Millia Islamia to Rajghat.

(With inputs from agencies)