New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday that once again Delhiites received 'stepmotherly treatment' from the Centre. According to Kejriwal, the Union Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proved that Delhi is not in BJP's priority list. The AAP leader questioned why people should vote for BJP when it has disappointed the national capital just before the state elections.

"Delhi had high expectations from the Budget. But once again Delhiites received stepmotherly treatment. Delhi is not part of BJP's priority list, so why should its people vote for them? Also, if the BJP disappoints Delhi like this before the elections, will it keep its promises after the polls," the Chief Minister asked in a tweet in Hindi.

Earlier in the day, Kejriwal had expressed hope that the Union Budget will show how much the BJP cared about Delhi, saying the city should get more in view of the elections. Keriwal-led AAP government has been demanding more funds from the Centre for the MCD.

"The people of Delhi are hopeful that the Union Government will protect the interests of Delhi in the budget. Delhi should get more in view of elections. The budget will show how much BJP cares for us Delhiites," the Chief Minister tweeted in Hindi.

On January 6, the Election Commission had stressed that the Centre should not declare any "state-specific schemes" in the Budget, as the city is going to polls on February 8.

However, Kejriwal had demanded that the Centre should announce povisions for the city in the Budget.