The meeting took place at the war room in the Congress headquarters on Monday evening in New Delhi. Pictures of the meeting show the MLAs sitting with Pilot and the committee members - Ahmed Patel, Priyanka Gandhi and K.C. Venugopal - standing in the background, suggesting a happy ending for the party.
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Soon after the patch-up talks with the senior Congress leaders, the former Rajasthan deputy chief said he has never hankered after posts and his was a fight for principles.
I wanted our self-respect to remain intact. I have given 20 years to the party now. We have always attempted to ensure the participation of people who worked hard to form the government, he said during his interaction with mediapersons after the meeting.
"We raised issues of principles before the Congress leadership and welcome their assurance of time-bound redressal of our grievances," Pilot told reporters.
"I don't crave for any post or hanker after any position. The party has given a position and can take it back. I wanted that the respect be maintained and those who have worked hard in the formation of Congress government in Rajasthan be rewarded accordingly," the former deputy chief minister said.
He also tweeted to confirm that the differences are now sorted. "I thank Smt Sonia Ji, @RahulGandhi Ji, @priyankagandhi Ji & @INCIndia leaders for noting & addressing our grievances.I stand firm in my belief & will continue working for a better India, to deliver on promises made to the people of Rajasthan & protect democratic values we cherish."
Important developmenst unfolded on Monday afternoon signalling that the crisis in Rajasthan could be resolved. Sachin Pilot had held a meeting with Rahil Gandhi earlier after which Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi met Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi to discuss Pilot's and other 18 rebel MLAs homecoming. Congress President Sonia Gandhi then decided that a three-member committee would address the issues.
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