RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday expressed deep concern over the continuing violence in Manipur, urging immediate and prioritised action to restore peace in the strife-torn north-eastern state. Addressing a gathering of RSS trainees at the conclusion of the organisation's 'Karyakarta Vikas Varg- Dwitiya' programme at the Dr Hedgewar Smriti Bhavan in Reshimbagh, Bhagwat highlighted the need to move beyond election rhetoric and concentrate on pressing national issues.

"Manipur has been waiting for peace for the last one year. There was peace in Manipur 10 years ago, it felt like gun culture had finished there. But the state has suddenly seen violence," Bhagwat stated, as quoted by news agency PTI. "The situation in Manipur will have to be considered with priority. There is a need to get over election rhetoric and focus on problems facing the nation," he remarked.

Bhagwat described the unrest as being either triggered or allowed to escalate, emphasising the severe impact on the local population. "The unrest either got triggered or was triggered, but Manipur is burning and people are facing its extreme heat," he said, as quoted by PTI.

The violence in Manipur erupted between the Meitei and Kuki communities in May last year, resulting in the deaths of approximately 200 people and the displacement of thousands. The conflict has led to widespread arson, destroying homes and government buildings. Fresh incidents of violence have been reported from Jiribam in recent days.

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'There Should Be Dignity About Not Resorting To Lies To Win': Mohan Bhagwat On Poll Rhetoric

Commenting on the recent Lok Sabha elections, Bhagwat advised against unnecessary discussions on the election results, stating, "The RSS does not get involved in such discussions of kaise hua, kya hua. We only do our duty of creating awareness on the need to vote." He called for consensus between the ruling party and the opposition to ensure work for the common good, adding, "Polls are to gain majority and it is a competition and not war", PTI reported.

Bhagwat criticised political parties and leaders for indulging in defamatory rhetoric, which he warned could create societal rifts. "Political parties and leaders bad-mouthing each other are not taking into account that these may cause rifts among communities," he said as he remarked how even the RSS was being dragged into it without any reason.

"There are always two sides in an election but there should be dignity about not resorting to lies to win," he asserted. He also expressed concern over the misuse of technology to spread falsehoods, alluding to deepfakes, as per PTI.

Additionally, Bhagwat voiced alarm over the rising incidents of road rage across the country.

'Goodness And Humanity In Religions Like Islam And Christianity Must Be Embraced': Mohan Bhagwat

The RSS chief also urged Indian society to walk ahead unitedly, respecting each other's way of worship. "Indian society is diverse, but everyone knows it is one society and they also accept its diversity," he said. He emphasised that the historical injustices have created distances among people, which need to be bridged.

Reflecting on the influence of 'foreign ideologies', Bhagwat remarked, "Invaders came to India and brought with them their ideology, which a few followed, but it is fine that the country's culture does not get affected by this ideology." He advocated embracing the goodness and humanity in religions like Islam and Christianity, stressing that adherents of all faiths must respect each other as brothers and sisters.

"Everyone must go ahead believing that this nation is ours and that all those who are born on this land are our own," Bhagwat said. He asserted that the belief that only foreign ideologies are true must be discarded. Emphasising the need to forget the past and accept all as one's own, Bhagwat called for the complete eradication of casteism and urged RSS functionaries to work towards social harmony.

The RSS chief also touched upon various other issues including gun culture, family values, cultural preservation, climate issues, and environmental conservation, PTI reported.