Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Tuesday said that in order to inculcate a sense of national pride among children Prime Minister Narendra Modi is laying emphasis on the development of Sainik schools. He said that PM Modi had ensured that admission to sainik schools is not limited to boys. "PM has given a gift to the daughters of the country, as girls are also given admission to Sainik schools and 10 per cent of seats are reserved for them in Sainik schools," Patel said.

Patel was speaking at the inauguration of a Sainik school in Gujarat's Mehsana district. Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday virtually inaugurated Shri Motibhai R Choudhury Sagar Sainik School. "One has to understand the life of Motibhai Choudhary to learn what an ideal worker is like in public life, what is his personality at ground level," Shah said while inaugurating the school. The school has been opened in partnership with Dudhsagar Research and Development Association (DURDA). This will be the first Sainik School in the country to be managed by a cooperative institution.

This is the first Sainik school in the district. PM Modi aims to open 100 sainik schools in the country. These schools will be opened in partnership with NGOs, private schools, and state governments. 

Who Was Motibhai Chaudhary?

Motibhai Chaudhary, born on July 3, 1923, in Manekpur village in Vijapur taluka, was a former Member of Parliament. He was also the DURDA founder and chairman for the longest period. In 1948, he joined the 'Sevadal' to actively participate in the post-independence public motivation programme initiated by Mahatma Gandhi.

According to DURDA, Motibhai Chaudhary's dedication and leadership qualities led to his election as a member of the legislative assembly, where he served as the Minister of Transport in the state government. His administrative skills allowed him to successfully chair the 'Dudhsagar Dairy' for 35 years, from 1970 to 2005. 4

Motibhai Chaudhary's political career extended to the national level as he was elected to Parliament for Agriculture, Dairying, and Rural Development. He effectively addressed numerous issues facing his constituency and provided valuable directives for the economic growth of the nation.

Motibhai Chaudhary passed away on May 1, 2005, after a brief illness. His son Vipulbhai Mansinhbhai Chaudhary succeeded him as the chairman of DURDA.