New Delhi: With India abstaining from voting on a US-sponsored UN Security Council resolution that condemned Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine, Congress leader Manish Tewari took a dig at the Centre stating New Delhi has to pick its side and correct if a friend makes a mistake.

Tewari said there comes a time when the nation needs to "stand-up and not stand aside".

"I sincerely wish India had voted in solidarity with people of Ukraine at UNSC who are facing an unprecedented & unjustified aggression,” he tweeted.

Echoing similar sentiments, Shiv Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi also took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government and said abstaining from voting “against a war doesn’t make your relationship better but makes your principles weaker”.

“Abstain in voting against a war doesn’t make your relationship better but makes your principles weaker against violence & human rights violations. Tomorrow it could be us not getting support against China. Today we stood on the same side as China, that speaks loads about our FP,” Chaturvedi tweeted.

“Having said that, besides a resolution condemning Russia’s action what is UN’s role going to be to help Ukraine on ground? Ally countries are expressing words of support but have left Ukraine alone to defend & fight for itself. UN will need to relook at its relevance in the NWO,” she wrote on the micro-blogging platform.

India along with China and the UAE abstained from voting on a US-sponsored resolution that condemned Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine even as 11 nations voted in favour. 

'Dialogue Is The Only Answer': India Explains Reason For Abstaining From Voting

India’s position was closely watched on whether it will vote on the resolution given that New Delhi has strong defence ties with Moscow.

ALSO READ: Russia Vetoes UNSC Resolution Deploring Aggression Against Ukraine. India, China, UAE Abstain

"India is deeply disturbed by the recent turn of developments in Ukraine and urges for an "immediate cessation of violence and hostilities," said T.S. Tirumurti, India's Permanent Representative to the UN.

“All member states need to honour these principles in finding a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to settling differences & disputes, however daunting that may appear at this moment,” said Tirumurti.

Asserting it’s a matter of regret that the path of diplomacy was given up, he added: “We must return to it. For all these reasons, India has chosen to abstain on this resolution.”

Tirumurti said “no solution can ever be arrived at the cost of human lives”.

“We are also deeply concerned about the welfare of the Indian community, including a large number of students, in Ukraine. The contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states,” Tirumurti told the United Nations as Russia vetoed the resolution to halt the offensive.

“All members need to honour these principles and find a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to settling disputes. However, daunting it may appear at this moment,” he added.