New Delhi: With the situation worsening in Ukraine, three countries including India, China and the UAE abstained from voting on a US-sponsored UN Security Council resolution that condemned Russia's "aggression" against Ukraine even as 11 countries voted in favour of the resolution.  

The UN Security Council voted on Friday on the draft resolution sponsored by the US and Albania and supported by several other nations including Poland, Italy, Germany, Estonia, Luxembourg and New Zealand.

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The resolution also decides that Russia "shall immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and shall refrain from any further unlawful threat or use of force against any UN member state."

The resolution also said that Russia "shall immediately, completely, and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders."

The resolution said Moscow "shall immediately and unconditionally reverse the decision related to the status of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine."

However, Russia, who’s a permanent member of the Security Council, used its veto power to block the resolution, as expected, but Western nations said the resolution seeks to show Moscow's isolation on the global stage for its invasion and actions against Ukraine.

Why did India abstain from the resultion?

India’s position was closely watched on whether it will vote on the resolution given that New Delhi has strong defence ties with Moscow.

"India is deeply disturbed by the recent turn of developments in Ukraine and urges for an "immediate cessation of violence and hostilities," said T S Tirumurti, India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador at UNSC meeting on Ukraine.

“All member states need to honour these principles in finding a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to settling differences & disputes, however daunting that may appear at this moment,” said Tirumurti. He also added that it’s a matter of regret that the path of diplomacy was given up. “We must return to it. For all these reasons, India has chosen to abstain on this resolution,” he added.

India has been focused on bringing back its citizens as the Ukraine airspace remains closed.

"No solution can ever be arrived at at the cost of human lives. We are also deeply concerned about the welfare of the Indian community, including a large number of students, in Ukraine. The contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. All members need to honour these principles and find a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to settling disputes. However, daunting it may appear at this moment," TS Tirumurti told the United Nations as Russia vetoed the resolution to halt the offensive.

(With PTI Inputs)