New Delhi: In a fresh instance of online shopping fraud, a customer from Uttar Pradesh’s Noida who ordered a phone from the online retail giant Amazon, received a ‘soap’ in the package delivered at his place. Amazon India’s head Amit Agrawal and three other persons have been booked after receiving a complaint from the customer.

Amazon said that it takes all matters of frauds seriously and was extending full cooperation to the police.

Among those booked are the country head Amit Agrawal, logistics firm Darshita Pvt Ltd directors Pradeep Kumar and Ravish Agrawal, and a delivery boy named Anil.

A case has been registered against the named people at the Bisrakh police station in Greater Noida Monday.

"A matter has been reported from Bisrakh police station area. The complainant said he had ordered a mobile phone through Amazon website. When he got the delivery on October 27 and opened the parcel, he found soap instead of the phone in it," Circle Officer at Bisrakh Nishank Sharma was quoted as saying by the news agency PTI.

The four people have been booked under Indian Penal Code sections 420 (cheating and dishonesty), 406 (criminal breach of trust) and 120B (party to criminal conspiracy) and legal proceedings have been initiated in the case.

When contacted, Amazon confirmed the incident and said they have processed the refund to the complainant. "As India's most trusted online marketplace, we take incidents of fraud seriously. A case has been reported at the Bisrakh police station in Greater Noida. Local police have taken charge and we are extending all support or information that they need," it said.

(with inputs from PTI)