New Delhi: It was a misty morning in the national capital on Wednesday with 'very poor' air quality, the Met said, cautioning against morning walks. The minimum temperature was recorded at 13.5 degrees Celsius, three notches above the season's average against 10.7 degrees on Tuesday.

The air quality was "severe" at four out of the 11 monitored areas, including Noida in the National Capital Region and Chandni Chowk in Delhi, according to System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR).

The current wind speed is "unfavourable for dispersing pollutants" in the city, India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.

"The wind is calm and humidity is high at 98 per cent," an IMD official said. High humidity traps pollutants.

The maximum temperature was likely to hover around 28 degrees Celsius, same as Tuesday's.

With current pollution situation, official agencies suggested wearing N-95 or P-100 respiratory masks while going out. They also cautioned against morning walks and exercises.