A case has been filed against the caretaker of Madhya Pradesh's Vatsalyapuram Bal Ashram over the allegations of abuse and torture by staff members, according to an official, news agency ANI reported. Speaking with ANI, Indore's Crime Branch Additional DCP Rajesh Dandotiya stated: "All the children were produced before the Child Welfare Committee where they gave the statement that they were tortured. On the basis of the reports, a case was registered and a probe has been initiated."

Indore's District Magistrate Asheesh Singh stated: "Based on the investigation at Vatsalyapuram Bal Ashram and the statements of the children, a case has been registered and investigation is underway." 

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Earlier this month, a children's home in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, was sealed after it was determined to be operated unlawfully, and 25 girls in the institution were relocated, officials said. Ghanshyam Dhangar, SDO (Revenue), Juni Indore, informed PTI that the action against Vatsalyapuram Bal Ashram in Vijay Nagar was conducted in response to complaints.

“Collector Ashish Singh asked me to inspect the facility and take action. During our visit, we did not find any responsible people there. We had to ask a watchman to get the necessary documents for the facility. A person present there said the children’s home did not have permission to operate,” Dhangar was quoted by PTI in its report. 

“The facility was sealed on Friday, and 25 girls there, all below the age of 12, were shifted to the Government Bal Ashram and Jivan Jyoti Girls’ Home here. The raid at the children’s home was carried out by officials of the district administration, women and child welfare, as well as education departments,” he said.