New Delhi: The central government on Tuesday declared Sheikh Sajad, one of the commanders of the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba, as a terrorist under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) 1967, said Union Home Ministry.

“Sajad has been actively radicalising, motivating and recruiting the youth of Jammu and Kashmir to support the Lashkar-e-Taiba, and has been involved in terror funding. He is also absconding in a case pertaining to recovery of arms and ammunition in Jammu and Kashmir,” the ministry of home affairs (MHA) said in a statement, according to news agency ANI.

Sajad was found to be involved in a conspiracy with Lashkar terrorists to kill an eminent journalist along with two of his personal security officers in the Press Enclave area of ​​Srinagar on 14 June 2018.

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The ministry said that Sajad has been actively involved in recruiting and radicalizing the youth of Jammu and Kashmir as radicals and supporters of Lashkar-e-Taiba. He is also absconding in a case related to the recovery of arms and ammunition in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Home Ministry said that Sajjad was found to be involved in a conspiracy with Lashkar terrorists to kill an eminent journalist along with two of his personal security officers in the busy Press Enclave area of ​​Srinagar on June 14, 2018.

On Monday, Jaish-e-Mohammad member Ashiq Ahmed Nengroo was declared a designated terrorist by the Centre for his role in various terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir, as reported by the news agency ANI.