New Delhi: In a bid to resolve the month long stand-off between India and China over a border dispute which has gone bitter in the Ladakh region, armies of the two Asian neighbours on Saturday engaged in a first of its kind Lieutenant General-level meet at the Border Personnel Meeting Point at Maldo in Chushul sector of Eastern Ladakh.

As per recent updates, discussion between military commanders of India and China Moldo on the Chinese side of the LAC have ended and the Indian delegation led by 14 Corp Commander Lt General Harinder Singh are returning to Leh.

The talks at the higher levels of the military echelon from either side took place after multiple meetings between local commanders of the two nations failed to materialize and could not lead to any sort of negotiations to douse the flaring tensions between the armies, the sources said.

The border dispute meeting is being led from the Indian side by Lieutenant General Harinder Singh, the General Officer Commanding of Leh-based 14 Corps, and Major General Liu Lin, who heads the People's Liberation Army's Group in the South Xinjiang Military Region.

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"India will demand that China maintain the situation as it was before this standoff and also remove all permanent and temporary structures put up by them," news agency IANS quoted sources close to the development as saying. The delegation will deliberate on three major standoff positions: Hot Spring, Pangong lake at Finger 4 and the Galwan Valley region, sources said.

WATCH VIDEO: Ladakh Standoff: India, China To Hold Lt Gen-level Talks To Resolve Border Dispute, Douse Tensions Along LAC

In order to resolve the issue and bring back and restoration of status quo in Ladakh, China's People's Liberation Army moved back two kilometres and the Indian Army has moved back one kilometre.

It is also being said that Indian Army Chief MM Naravane is confident that the stand-off will be resolved at the military level talks. China has deployed a large number of troops at the Line of Actual Control as reinforcements. Reacting strongly to the movement, even Indian Army deployed its forces accordingly.

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What triggered the face-off was China's stiff opposition to India laying a key road in the Finger area around the Pangong Tso (lake) besides construction of another road connecting the Darbuk-Shayok-Daulat Beg Oldie road in Galwan Valley.