Amidst the ongoing talks between India and China at both the diplomatic and military level to de-escalate and disengage troops for simmering down tensions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), China has urged India to carry out a detailed probe into the horrific Galwan Valley clashes that took place on June 15 in Eastern Ladakh sector and punish the violators responsible behind the incident.

In one of the deadliest and unprecedented clashes between Indian and Chinese Army soldiers along the Sino-Indian border at Galwan Valley in Eastern Ladakh sector for over 4 decades, heavy casualties were inflicted on either sides, leaving many soldiers dead and critically injured.

According to news agency ANI, a report published in China-India Review, a monthly journal of the Chinese embassy in India, the Chinese Foreign Minister-State Councillor has demanded a thorough investigation from India into the incident at Galwan and hold violators accountable for the clashes.

In the report, the Chinese Foreign Minister-State Councillor has also urged India to strictly discipline its front-line troops deployed at the forward areas and immediately hold back from any provocative acts to ensure such incidents won't occur again.

The Chinese establishment's view over the incident comes is completely  contrarian to India's repeated stand that the June 15 Galwan Valley incident was triggered off due to unwanted Chinese aggression. However, Beijing continues to blame the Indian forces for the violence.

This is not the first time China has sought a probe into the Galwan Valley incident. On June 17, two days after the incident, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had made the similar demand when he spoke with External Affair Minister S Jaishankar to de-escalate tensions.

All this comes at a time when intelligence reports have claimed that the violent stand-off between border troops in India and China at the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh in June this year was not merely a coincidence, but was ''planned well in advance'' by China.

India and China have been at loggerheads in the Ladakh region after the Chinese stepped up the ante by massive deployment of ground troops, armoured coloumns, artillery pieces and even Air Force ..There were brief altercations between the Indian and PLA soldiers over holding ground positions along the LAC in highly sensitive areas like Pangong Tso and Gogra .

With the aggressive posturing by the Chinese, Indian Army also brought about a massive deployment of its troops and mechanised coloumns into the highly sensitive Ladakh sector along the Chinese border. The top brass of both the Army and Air Force have been making regular visits to the forward areas to review the ground situation and boost the morale of front-line troops.