Amid the continuous surge in the number of Coronavirus cases, Trivandrum District Mayor has issued a ban on the license of two big malls in Thiruvananthapuram on charges of violating COVID-19 protocols and responsible for spreading the novel Coronavirus.

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A large number of employees at Ramachandran mall had tested positive for COVID-19 recently. Located at Attakumangara in the city, the multi-storeyed Ramachandran mall is one of the oldest enterprises which includes a hypermarket, a food court and sells textiles, home decor, cutlery, and furniture.

Similar incidents were reported from Pothys also. Located near Ayurveda College junction, Pothys is also a multi-storeyed textile store which has a huge footfall throughout the year. According to the reports, Pothys Mall had made handwashing and hand sanitising facilities, and also checked the temperature of visitors, but it failed to maintain social distancing.

After an assessment, the corporation gave several warnings and notices to both the shops many times. But despite receiving multiple warnings, both the shops continued to function and violate the COVID-19 protocol and restrictions.

Briefing on the incident, Mayor K Sreekumar said, "We had given them many warnings as the COVID protocol and restrictions were not followed in these shops. However, they did not pay heed."

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The authorities held the two shops responsible for major COVID-19 spread in the city despite constant warning from district administration. Following this, the corporation decided to take strict action against the two malls.

According to the sources, Ramachandran and Pothy's have been banned for further trading in the city. As per the officials, the two shops became COVID hotspots with numerous staff testing positive.