New Delhi: Even as fears continue unabated with regard to the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Wednesday informed the vaccination drive has picked up in August as compared to the previous months

At least 12.52 crore jabs have been administered across the nation so far this month, which is more than double the doses given in May.

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Around 6.11 crore people were vaccinated earlier in May when the Central government opened the vaccination drive for all adults above 18 years of age.

Around 11.95 crore were inoculated in June and 13.45 crore were given the shots the next month.

The average per day vaccination rate in August was the highest at 52.16 lakh doses compared to the previous months.

The average per day jab administration rate was 43.41 lakh doses in July, while the average per day vaccination rate was nearly 40 lakh in June and it was less than 20 lakh the previous month.

In a significant achievement, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has crossed the 60 crore landmark milestone and more than 66 lakh vaccine doses have been administered on Wednesday as per the 7 p.m. provisional report.

Meanwhile, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan chaired a high-level meeting on Wednesday with all the states and Union Territories during which the progress of Covid-19 vaccination was reviewed.

The states were advised to focus on enhancing second dose coverage as well as immunization of school teachers and staff (both government and private). The states were apprised on prompt utilization of Emergency Covid Response Package (ECRP) funds.

The states were also advised to ensure compliance of Covid Appropriate Behaviour and other precautionary measures ahead of the upcoming festival season.

The Union Health Secretary stressed on having a definite district level plan to increase coverage of second dose.

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He also cautioned the states regarding a spike/surge in Covid cases during the upcoming festival season and advised them to undertake all possible public health measures to curb this. 

He cited the example of Kerala where a visible rise of cases has been registered over the past week post Onam.