New Delhi: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has relaxed regulations in several areas from Thursday, August 26 in view of the reduction in COVID-19 cases. The Chief Minister tweeted on Wednesday that all universities, colleges, technical educational institutions, schools (from class I to XII) as well as conching institutes can now reopen and operate normally.
He said that in view of the decline in COVID-19 cases, all shops, establishments, shopping malls, parks, gardens and religious places will now be able to open normally.
With authorisation from the district administration, all types of social, political, entertainment, sports, cultural and religious events can now be organized but with adoption of required protocols.
Examinations can now be conducted by state universities, colleges and schools. Cinema halls, clubs, gyms, swimming pools, restaurants and food shops (with visitors) will be able to open with a recduced capacity of 50 per cent. But in view of the possibility of a third wave, all residents of Bihar need to exercise caution by adopting the COVID-19 protocols.
Lets have a look at which sectors have been given the green light to reopen
- Cinema halls, clubs, gyms, swimming pools, restaurants and food shops (with visitors) will be able to open with a recduced capacity of 50 per cent.
- All shops, establishments, shopping malls, parks, gardens and religious places will now be able to open normally.
- With authorisation from the district administration, all types of social, political, entertainment, sports, cultural and religious events can now be organized but with adoption of required protocols.
- All universities, colleges, technical educational institutions and schools (from class I to XII) as well as conching institutes will open normally.
According to the report released by the Health Department on Tuesday, there are only 101 active COVID-19 cases in Bihar. Both the number of daily new cases and total active cases is declining.
On Tuesday, nine new cases were reported from six districts of Bihar. At the same time, 19 people have recovered while 1,36,284 people were tested. The recovery rate in Bihar is 98.63 percent.