Amidst the relentless efforts made by the Indian and Chinese diplomatic and high ranked military officials to douse the flaring tensions between the two Asian neighbours along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Eastern Ladakh sector, India has rejected China's proposal China's proposal of 'equidistant disengagement' from Finger 4 area along LAC near eastern Ladakh and has demanded that China restore status quo in all areas of eastern Ladakh on the border.

In a bizarre turn of events which could further lead to the much required negotiations to bring about a middle ground between the two nations going completely haywire, China has proposed that if the Indian Army pulls back from the Finger 4 area of ​​Pangong lake along the LAC axis, then the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) too will step back the same distance.

According to sources tracking the ongoing talks between the two nations to end the long standing deadlock, China has proposed to India that it is ready for disengagement of its troops in Finger 4 area of ​​Pangong lake but India will have to remove its Army and weapons from this area. In return, China said they will also remove an equal amount of soldiers and weapons back from the area.

India has completely turned down China's proposal and requested the East Asian Nation's PLA troops to go to the old position behind Finger 8.

ALSO READ| Ladakh Stand-Off: India, China To Hold Another Round Of Diplomatic Talks To Break Impasse Over Disengagement Of Troops Along LAC

The Indian establishment has maintained that the Chinese should first abide by their promise of disengagement at the areas discussed upon by both sides and then the two nation can talk on the de-escalation from Eastern Ladakh and Depsang Plains and Daulat Beg Oldi areas.

In April, the PLA troops stationed themselves in the Tibetan Plataeu close to the LAC with India on the pretext of conducting high altitude exercises. However, they violated the LAC and rapidly moved and built several military assets at many sensitive regions . Apart from troops, tanks, aircraft and other weapons were also deployed in those areas. Since then, the Indian Army and Air Force troops have been stationed at LAC for the past three months.

India has also raising the point about Chinese violating the 1993-1996 agreements between both sides which prohibits construction of any kind.

The Indian and Chinese Army have been engaged in a border row along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since April-May when the Chinese Army (PLA) moved its troops deployed along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh sector, making intrusions onto the Indian side in the highly sensitive areas like Finger , Gogra heights, and Hot Springs in the Pangong Lake and Galwan Valley.