Flanked by the mighty Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, lies an enormous landmass whose centuries old glory of the ancient Indus Valley civilization has been enshrined in the annals of world history till ages and its legacy will remain etched till eternity.

The lofty peaks of the Himalayas crown your enormous expanse in the north and the shores of Kanyakumari kiss the Indian ocean in the South. The vast expanse of the shimmering Thar and Kutch desert form up your western frontiers, the dense jungles and rolling hills of the North East are your unheralded jewels in the Far East.

Your countrymen are diverse in terms of castes, clans and ethnic groups and practice different religious beliefs yet your age-old thread of plurality and tolerance binds them under one Umbrella as Indians.

From this very pious soil were born some great souls went onto become immortals among mortals. The 'Buddha' enlightened the world with his Middle Path, Chanakya’s masterpiece 'Arthashastra' was the benchmark for state craft and economics and the 'Mahatma' Gandhi entrusted mankind the values of ‘Satyagraha’ and Ahimsa.

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It is this very land of brilliant mathematicians and scientists, from where Aryabhata invented the Zero and Charaka laid down the principles of Ayurveda.

The majestic forts of the Rajputana, the sheer grandeur of Taj Mahal, magnificent temples of Konark, Tanjore and Meenakshi; the caves of Ajanta and Ellora are testament of the sheer cultural heritage this nation has to offer.

The treasured landmass called 'Sone Ki Chidiya' lured many invaders to set path or sail from different parts of the world to explore the sheer bounties of nature but the very strong pillars of this remain existent and intact.

From the Indus Valley civilizations to the great empires of the Mauryas, Guptas, Mughals and Marathas; you openly welcomed them and assimilated their art, architecture and music into an already rich, vibrant and diverse culture.

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Many great emperors like Chandragupta Maurya, Samudragupta, Ashoka, Akbar and Shivaji ruled mighty empires for centuries and added to the glory and pomp of this highly revered landmass called ‘Bharata’.

You are perhaps the only land where the Divine Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), Allah, Jesus, Buddha and Guru Nanak are worshiped and embraced. The Ghantis' of the temples, the Azaan of the Mosque, the bells and Chimes in the Church all resonate loud and are an true embodiment of the secular fabric which forms the very heart and spirit of our constitution.

When the Tri Colour unfurls every year on the ramparts of the Red Fort and many parts of India on 15 August, India's Independence Day, it is reminiscent of the sheer sacrifice, resilience and which our freedom fighters in helping our nation get free from the clutches of Colonial rule. It also reminds us all of the brave soldiers who defy all odds enduring the enemy bullets and harsh climatic conditions to protect the frontiers of our nation.

Living in an ever vibrant, liberal and free democracy; we Indians certainly cherish every bit of this freedom to speak, form opinions, mark protests as we became independent from the Colonial rule 74 years back on August 15.

Oh great motherland!!, it is an absolute  honor and blessing to be born in this great land !!!!To the world you are India, to us Indians you will always remain 'Bharatvarsha'..

Perhaps, our national anthem composed by the legendary literary genius Rabindranath Tagore is the best possible ode which exemplifies your splendid diversity and glorious heritage..

"Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he
Bharata-bhagya vidhata....
Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya jaya he"