New Delhi: Continuing her outburst against Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti on Tuesday accused the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of creating a divide between the Hindus and Muslims.

The PDP chief said “those in Delhi are using Jammu and Kashmir as a laboratory and are experimenting here”.

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“The leaders like (Jawaharlal) Nehru, (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee had a vision for J&K but this government creates a divide between the Hindu and Muslims. Sardars are now Khalistani, we are Pakistani, only the BJP is Hindustani,” she said.

The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister alleged the “delimitation exercise is being done haphazardly”.

“They are only changing names (naming schools after martyrs) but the children will not get employment by changing the names. They (Centre) talk about Taliban, Afghanistan but not about farmers, unemployment,” she added, ANI reported.

Mufti had earlier on Sunday accused the BJP of playing politics over the issues of Taliban, Afghanistan and Pakistan to garner votes.

Addressing a rally organised by the PDP’s youth wing, she alleged the BJP’s rule has brought miseries to the people of India and left Jammu and Kashmir “destroyed”.

Mufti said it is not Hindus but the democracy and India which are in danger under the BJP’s rule.

“Jammu and Kashmir is in trouble and so is the entire country...they say Hindus are in danger but they are not in danger and in fact it is India and the democracy which are in danger because of them,” she said, PTI reported.

Mufti said the saffron party will start cashing on the opportunity of Taliban and Afghanistan as the elections in different states come nearer, adding they will bring Pakistan and drones into picture if it would not work.

“They will not talk about China which has intruded into Ladakh because they do not get votes by talking about that country. If you want to frighten people, talk about Taliban, Afghanistan and Pakistan and do something here and there and seek votes,” Mufti said.

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“...They do not have anything to sell to the people and therefore they will use Pakistan and J-K to garner votes. They have destroyed J-K and are using sticks to oppress the people who are not allowed to speak openly for their rights," she added.

Asserting the people of Jammu and Kashmir have lost their hope with the BJP government, which abrogated Article 370, Mufti said the Muslim majority state would have never joined India if the saffron party would have been at the helm during partition.