Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the BJP is observing a ‘black day’ to mark the 43rd anniversary of 1975 Emergency imposed by then PM Indira Gandhi to not just criticise the Congress but make today’s youth aware of what happened then.

“Youth today do not have an idea of what happened during Emergency. They will not know that how living without freedom can be,”Modi said.

Attacking the Congress party said, Modi said, “Congress oversaw the darkest day in India's democracy. It committed the sin of Emergency. They used the Constitution for a family.”

“Emergency a black spot in our history. The judiciary of the nation was so much afraid that whoever wanted to save the constitution, they were in trouble,”he further said. (WATCH PM MODI'S FULL SPEECH BELOW)

He slammed the party for “misusing Constitution for a family's benefits.”

Modi said "the party which has no internal democracy cannot be expected to follow the ideals of a democracy."

He alleged that when Kishore Kumar ji refused to sing for them (Congress), his songs and films were not allowed to be broadcast or played on the radio.

"I respect veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar ji, he fought for freedom during emergency, he maybe a harsh critic of us but I salute him for this,"he added.

The Mumbai unit of the BJP had organised the event. The event was also aimed to express gratitude towards those who fought against the Emergency in 1975 and dwell upon conserving the democratic values.

Modi has been a bitter critic of the move to impose Emergency.

In his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat' on June 25 last year, Modi had referred to the Emergency, saying "such a black night cannot be forgotten."

The Prime Minister had said it was essential to remember the incidents which have caused harm to the democracy and move ahead towards the positive qualities of democracy.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and state BJP chief Raosaheb Danve too will attend the tomorrow's event.

The imposition of the Emergency had evoked a nationwide outrage and triggered a mass movement which forced Gandhi to lift it in 1977.

Modi will also inaugurate the third annual meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) here.

(With agency inputs)