Raipur: A man was allegedly spotted violating Covid-induced lockdown in Chhattisgarh's Surajpur and in response, he was slapped by a district official and thrashed by policemen. The matter came to light as a video of the incident was shared widely on social media.

According to the police, a case for speeding has been filed against him.

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In the video, the man can be seen taking out a paper and perhaps a document on his mobile phone to show to the officials when the district collector, Ranbir Sharma, walks to him. The official takes his mobile phone and smashes it on the road, he then slaps the man.

The district collector then asks some policemen to thrash the man and they start hitting him with sticks. An argument over whether or not he is recording the incident also ensued.

The man thrashed in the video has claimed that he was out to get vaccinated when he was stopped. Earlier it was speculated that he is a minor, however, that claim has been refuted. 

The police informed that a First Information Report has been filed against the man for speeding and not stopping his two-wheeler when asked to do so.

"He said he was out for vaccination but there was no proper documentation. Later, he said he was going to visit his grandmother. I slapped him in heat of the moment when he misbehaved. He was 23-24 y/o and not 13. I regret and apologise for my behaviour,": the Surajpur District Collector said in clarification as quoted by ANI.

In a statement, Ranbir Sharma apologised for slapping the man saying: "Today, a video is viral on the social media in which I am shown slapping a man who was out during lockdown. I sincerely apologise. I never had any intention to disrespect or belittle the person in the video".

"In this pandemic situation, district Surajpur along with entire Chhattisgarh is facing the irreparable loss of life. We government employees of the state government are striving hard to tackle this problem. My parents and I were also affected by Coronavirus. I am now post-Covid but mother is still positive and undergoing treatment at home," the district collector added.

"He was riding a bike and was overspeeding. The man also misbehaved with officials", the collector said.

Now, taking action in the matter, CM Bhupesh Baghel has announced the suspension of DM Ranbir Sharma.

"The case of misbehavior by Surajpur Collector Ranbir Sharma has come to my notice through social media. It is very sad and condemnable. In Chhattisgarh, no such act will be tolerated.  Instructions have been given to remove Collector Ranbir Sharma with immediate effect," the CM wrote, apologising for this incident.

IAS Gaurav Kumar Singh has been appointed as new District Collector of Surajpur, Chhattisgarh CMO informed.