Check tseamcet.in & manabadi.co.in for TS EAMCET (Name Roll Number Wise) Results 2016: Telangana Engineering, Agriultural, Medical Common Entrance Test (TS EAMCET) Results declared

HYDERABAD: Name and Roll Number wise results of TS EAMCET, (Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test), conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad on behalf of TSCHE, have been declared today.
The results were declared today, at 11 am, on the official website of TS EAMCET: www.tseamcet.in or on Manabadi.co.in.
UPDATE: Results have been declared at www.manabadi.co.in.
About 2,46,522 candidates registered for the TS EAMCET examination this year. Out of which, 1,44,510 registered for engineering and 1,02,012 for agriculture and medical streams.
“We wish all the TS EAMCET - 2016 aspirants BEST OF LUCK for the results!.”
How to check Results Name and Roll Number wise Results:
Access the website: www.tseamcet.in or www.manabadi.co.in
Enter your roll number, name and other credentials
3. Click ‘Submit’
4. Your result will be displayed on the screen
An important message for aspirants:
The most important thing we want you to remember is that, if result goes your way, then it’s extremely good, but if things don’t go your way, remember, there are always options open to you. Sometimes, the best opportunities come out of life’s unexpected twists and turns.
If you did as well as you wanted, then celebrate. If you feel you could have done much better, there are many ways to improve your performance. Remember, your results do not define who you are or how valuable you are as a person. They are a marker of one day’s performance in your life.
Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has delegated the task to JNTUH for conducting the most prestigious entrance examination of Telangana – Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) for this year 2016.
It is indeed a proud fact that after the formation of the 29th state in India i.e., TELANGANA, TSCHE has instilled confidence and faith in JNTUH for the smooth conduct of this test. Hence, this is the 2nd consecutive time in the newly formed Telangana state, JNTUH is conducting this humongous task of TS EAMCET 2016.
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