New Delhi: The Indian government began the world's largest immunization drive today. Two vaccines Covishield by Pune based Serum Institute of India and Covaxin by Hyderabad based Bharat Biotech, will be administered in the first phase. Now it has emerged that those who will be given shots of Covaxin will have to sign a separate consent form.

What does Covaxin consent form say?

The Covaxin consent form has specified that the efficacy of the vaccine is still under study. According to a report by IANS the consent for says, ‘In phase-1 and phase-2 clinical trial 'Covaxin' has demonstrated the ability to produce antibodies against Covid-19, however the clinical efficacy of Covaxin is yet to be established and it is still being studied in phase-3 clinical trial, hence it is important to appreciate that receiving the vaccine does not mean that the other precautions related to Covid-19 should not be followed.’

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Other points in the form includes compensation and care in the case of adverse effects. The form specifies that ‘in case of any adverse and serious condition, the receiver will be provided utmost care at the health centre and in case of casuality the compensation will be provided by Bharat Biotech.
It says that the compensation will be paid by sponsor BBIL if it is proven that the condition is related to the vaccine.
The government is not providing any choice between the vaccine as of now.

"In many countries, more than one vaccine is being used. There is no such option available to any of the beneficiaries in these countries," Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said during a press briefing on Tuesday. It is to be noted that the vaccination for Covid-19 is completely voluntary.