New Delhi: The Regional Transport Authority of Delhi on Tuesday launched a campaign to check vehicles driving without high-security registration plate (HSRP) and color-coded fuel stickers. In the campaign, the authority will fine violators as much as Rs 10,000, which is compoundable to Rs 5,500 under the amended Motor Vehicle Act.

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According to the order from the court and government, it is mandatory for the vehicles running on the road to be affixed with HSRPs and color-coded stickers in Delhi.

Vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019, must have the HSRPs and sticker installed while new vehicles registered after the date come equipped with both.

However, those who have already applied for the HSRP and color-coded sticker will not be fined, if they provide the application receipt. As of now, this is applicable to vehicles registered in Delhi only, other states are not included in this.

What is the HSRP number plate?

HSRPs are made by hot stamping on the registration plates from both sides, these plates are basically chromium-based hologram plates made with a laser-branded permanent identification number, which cannot be copied.

How to upgrade from current registration plates?

In order to upgrade to HSRPs, one can contact vehicle dealers authorized by the government. The lists are available on the state transport departments’ website.

What are color-coded fuel stickers?

Color-coded stickers are used to identify vehicles based on their fuel types. For example, vehicles that run on CNG or petrol are required to affix blue stickers. While diesel vehicles will have orange stickers.

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Meanwhile, the stickers also include details of the registration number, the registering authority, a laser-branded PIN, and the engine and chassis numbers of the vehicle.

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