Onions stand out as a valuable addition to your meals, boasting a wealth of quercitin and sulphur compounds. These compounds contribute to the potential health benefits of onions, including their role in reducing cholesterol levels, managing diabetes, and possibly preventing certain cancers. Interestingly, whether consumed raw or cooked, onions retain their health benefits. Although both forms confer distinct advantages, the decision between them typically depends on individual taste preferences and health priorities.

Benefits Of Raw Onions:

Dietician Garima listed down the benefits of raw onions:

  • Nutrient Retention: Eating onions in their raw form preserves more of their nutrients, including vitamin C and certain enzymes, as cooking can lead to nutrient loss.

  • Antioxidant Content: Raw onions may have a higher antioxidant content, particularly quercetin, due to minimal exposure to heat.

  • Allicin Potential: Allicin, a sulphur compound with potential health benefits, is more abundant in raw onions. Chopping or crushing raw onions releases enzymes that contribute to allicin formation.

  • Digestive Health: Raw onions, with their fibre content, can contribute to digestive health and regular bowel movements.

  • Oral Health: Chewing raw onions stimulates saliva production and can have antibacterial properties, potentially benefiting oral health.

Health Benefits Of Cooked Onions:

Talking about cooked onions, Dr. Nirupama Rao, who is a Nutritionist, at Rejua Energy Centre, Mumbai said

  • Milder flavour: Cooking onions can mellow their flavour and make them more palatable for some people, especially those sensitive to the strong taste of raw onions.

  • Digestibility: They can break down some of the indigestible fibres, making them easier to digest for some individuals

  • Versatility: Can be incorporated into a wide range of dishes, adding flavour and texture to soups, stews, stir-fries, and more.

Who Should Not Eat Raw Onions:

Delnaaz Chanduwadia - who is the Chief Dietician; HOD Nutrition & Dietetics at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai said, "While most individuals might prefer to eat raw onions however, if one suffers from GERD/ acdity; irritable bowl syndrome or have issues of gas and bloating- it is adviced to cook the onions to make them easily digestible."

Apart from this, there are other factors also suggested by Garima, that people should keep in mind: 

1. Sensitivity to Raw Onions: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort or irritation from consuming raw onions. Cooking can help mitigate these effects.
2. Balanced Approach: Including a variety of both raw and cooked onions in your diet ensures that you benefit from a range of nutrients and compounds.
3. Culinary Preferences - Personal taste preferences and the culinary context can influence whether raw or cooked onions are more enjoyable in a particular dish.